2007年8月6日 星期一

伯朗咖啡–Brown syndrome

Etiology and pathogenesis of Brown syndrome:

Inflammation or thickening of SO tendon sheath,

* 表現:
=> downshoot on adduction

★ 原因:眼球在內展時,SO的垂直作用最大,因SO tendon被限制住,故表現出SOOA的作用,眼球於是downshoot。

* 如何與monocular elevation deficiency分別?
=> exotropia in upgaze in Brown syndrome
★ 原因:眼球在外展時,SO的垂直作用最小,故可避開SO tendon的restrictive limitation


Severe: primary gaze hypotropia and down-shoot in adduction
Moderate: down shoot in adduction
Mild: neither


* Idiopathic
* Congenital
* Trauma
* Marfan’s syndrome/acromegaly
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Dental extraction/sinus surgery
* RD /glaucoma explanted surgery

Treatment of underlying inflammation
=> Oral or local steroid injection

Surgery indicated in severe cases
* SO tenotomy / tenectomy, with or without IO weakening
* Aware of post-operative SO palsy

* Harada-Ito surgery會使Brown syndrome更糟。


1. 大角度的congenital esotropia,需要及早開刀

2. 很多Duane type 1的病人被家長帶來指正常的眼有問題!小角度的Duane syndrome若alignment不錯,obersavtion即可。

6. IO與IR的muscle capsule的fusion就叫Lockwood's ligament
=> Lockwood's ligament與lower eyelid retractor相連。
★ IR是thyroid myopathy好犯的肌肉之一。

7. Brown syndrome可以「exotropia in upgaze」與monocular elevation deficieny區別。

8. DM患者很少出現papilledema (而DM papillitis又是另一回事了)

9. SO會影響眼球的水平rotation
★ DVD違反Hering's law

10. 兒童眼球的成長:
* 前6個月增加4mm的AXL
* 出生時corneal diameter 10.5mm,2歲時達12mm(成人尺寸)
* 前六個月,其corneal power逐漸減少 (對應增長的AXL)
* 出生後一年內,lens power快速減少 (對應增長的AXL)

13. SO影響鉅大,沒事不要選他來下刀

14. congenital lacrimal obstruction不輕易使用DCR(應該先try probing等…)

15. Toxocariasis retinitis,可在antimicrobial的情形下,加上steroids治療。

16. 兒童出現acquired unilateral cataract於正常尺寸的眼球,要考慮trauma或post. lenticonus。

19. undercorrection of strabismus比較不會造成diplopia,相反的,overcorrection比較容易diplopia

20. JRA的病童很少會有systemic arthritis

21. Juvenile idiopathc arthritis(JIA)的病童開cata後通常不放IOL

23. retinoblastom的術前檢查prefer MRI (較CT減少radiation的exposure)

27. 計劃斜視手術,總要考慮找出restricted muscles,若有,則要進行weakening procedures。

30. Spasmus Nutans => 應安排MRI檢查chiasm。

31. PSC不是NF-1的診斷要點之一(NF2與PSC較為相關)
=> sphenoid wing dysplasia, single plexiform neurofibroma, optic nerve glioma皆是診斷NF-1的major criterion。

35. craniosynostosis syndromes最為相關的motility abnormality是「V-pattern」

36. Crouzon不會有syndactyly (Apert會有syndactyly,可由此分別)

37. Goldenhar syndrome
=> 會有epibulbar dermoids, ?Duane syndrome, lid notching
★ Goldenhar syndrome與cleft palate無關

38. 對於neonatal Neisseria conjunctivitis,以IV ceftriaxone治療最佳!

39. proptosis不會出現在preseptal cellulitis

41. alphagan對小兒會有CNS副作用

43. 斜視手術目前很少出現perforation, 也很少因此造成endophthalmitis

46. Botox對矯正後小角度殘留度數很有效。

48. Shaken Baby Syndrome很少有ant. segment表現。

Wegener Granulomatosis


1. 上呼吸道之necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis
2. 下呼吸道之necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis
3. focal segmental glomerulonerphitis

* Paranasal sinus (90%), pulmonary, and renal disease (在小血管上的疾病)
* ANCA(+)
* Type 2 hypersensitivity (也列於Type 5)

Ocular complications:

* scleritis with or without peripheral keratitis
* orbital pseudotumors
* vasculitis-mediated retinal vasculitis

治療: prednisone, cyclophosphamide
=> cyclophosphamide在痊癒後再使用一年,之後再tapper off
=> cyclophosphamide的副作用包括:leukopenia, hemorrhagic cyctis, gonadal dysfunction, alopecia, neoplasia

General Medicine重點備忘

1. 關於vancomycin
=> vancomycin-resistant enterococcal and staphylococcal infection在文獻中皆有發表
=> vancomycin與Teicoplanin都是glycopeptide類的抗生素
=> Teicoplanin對於某些vancomycin-resistant菌種有效!

2. PCR可拿來測什麼致病原?
答: Clostridium difficile, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cytomegalovirus … 反正很多都可以啦。

3. 下列何者非viral hepatitis?
答: 沒有hepatitis K啦!
=> hepatitis C, hepatitis delta, TTV-associated hepatitis (transfusion-transmitted)皆是
=> 目前有Hepatitis A,B,C,D,G, TTV … 但沒有 FHK (Forgive HK)

4. 關於HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy)
=> 自從HAART應用之後,較少HIV-infected病患變成AIDS
=> In HAART, multiple antiretroviral drugs are given simultaneously ( not sequentially!)→ 要就一起來,不要輪流用。
=> HAART通常可大幅減少HIV viral load並增加CD4 lymphocyte levels
=> 研究顯示,經過HAART治療,可減少80% opportunistic infections的機會。

5. 新一代的抗生素有:
=> trovafloxacin, a fluoroquinolone
=> quinupristin / dalfopristin, a streptogramin
=> linezolid, an oxazolidinone
(題目寫的cefzolapine [喜福肉辣拼] ~ 根本是唬爛的,沒這個藥!)

6. 血壓應該從哪時候開始監控?

7. 關於hypertension及其cardiovascular disease之risk factor:
=> Risk of cardiovascular由115/75mm Hg開始,每增加20/10,就會倍增
=> systolic BP比起diastolic BP是更重要的risk factor for cardiovascular disease!
=> Hypertension病患即使高到160/90mmHg,通常還是沒有症狀,故不應以症狀來評估高血壓之治療
=> Cardiovascular complication rates會因人種 / 社經地位 而異。

8. 高血壓之生活方式調整包括…
答: 減重、有氧運動、低鈉飲食。雖然建議減少喝酒,但不必完全禁酒。

9. ocular conditions之中,哪些與hypertension相關?
答: Retinal vein occlusion, ischemic optic neuropathy, glaucoma 皆有相關!

10. carotid endarterectomy在哪種病人身上證實有益?
答: 有症狀且 70~99% carotid artery stenosis 者

11.Statin的效果–reduces the risk of …
* coronary events in patients with hyperlipidemia
* stroke in patients with coronary artery disease
* stroke in patients ith previous stroke of atherosclerotic origin

12. MRI比CT在偵測何種lesion顯得優越?
答: early cerebral infarction!
解: 若是 ischemic stroke, ICH, 皆應以CT偵測。 而infarction用MRI才會早期找到,用CT會慢數日。

13. 在美國,女性第一殺手疾病為何?
答: atherosclerotic heart disease
解: 該病之死亡率比breast cancer還要高十倍!

14. lovastatin可減少LDL-C,但不會增加HDL-C;其它a,b,c皆可增加HDL-C

15. arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuritis屬giant cell arteritis,與hypercholesterolemia無關!

16. 減少serum cholesterol第一步為dietary therapy
=> 第二步是aerobic exercise, 真的不行,再考慮drug therapy。
=> 減重雖有幫助,但不是第一線治療。

17. 何者應考慮Therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) alone?
* coronary heart disease risk equivalents and an LDL-C level of ≧ 100 mg/dL
* 2 risk factors for coronary heart disease and an LDL-C level of ≧ 130 mg/dL
* 1 risk factors for coronary heart disease and an LDL-C level of ≧ 160 mg/dL
★速記法: 100→130→160 (等差30);有CHD→2 risk→1 risk。

18. 每改變30mg/dL之LDL-C濃度,coronary heart disease之risk也會隨之變化30%!
* 使用Statin之效果可以減少coronary events復發之機率,可以減少LDL-C濃度,但無法增加HDL-C濃度,也無法改變AMD之發生危險機率
* HRT不可以當做cholesterol-lowering drugs之替代品!

19. 診斷restrictive pulmonary disease,何項檢查最為明確?
答:total lung capacity less than 70% predicted
=> low arterial PO2, 是許多pulmonary disease的共同表現,不一定是restrictive type
=> 由CXR異常,只可以判斷出severe kyphosis造成restrictive pulmonary disease, 但無法確切診斷
=> FEV1 < 80% 是用來診斷 obstructive pulmonary disease!
=> total lung capacity < 70% 可診斷restrictive pulmonary disease,例如由pulmonary fibrosis造成。

20. 哪些藥可用來治療COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)?
答: adrenergic agonists, anticholinergic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs皆可

21. heparin therapy之最佳監控工具為何?
答: partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
=> PTT用來監控heparin therapy
=> PT與INR用來監控warfarin
=> Bleeding time用來監控platelet count and function
=> platelet abnormalities不會影響PTT
口訣: He-Pa-Rin (他怕奶) → 怕太太 (PTT)

22. 使用digoxin可能出現什麼眼副作用?
答: glare phenomemon and disturbances with color vision
=> corneal microdeposits occur with use of chloroquine and amiodarone
=> Bull’s eye maculopathy也可能是chloroquine的副作用
=> keratoconjunctivitis sicca在使用beta-blockers 者可見

23. iron deficiency anemia是the most type of anemia worldwide
=> the serum ferritin level is low
=> 在成人之anemia,皆應考慮bleeding之可能(女:月經,男女:GI bleeding…)
=> 長期補鐵劑需考慮bleeding之問題!
=> Severe iron deficiency can cause mucosal changes, such as a smooth tongue, brittle nails, and cheilosis.

24. 答: Vit. K乃影響coagulation factors,而不會影響platelet的功能
=> single aspirin會造成不可逆的血小板功能異常,時間達2~3天(48~72小時),術中可微幅增加blood loss
=> NSAIDs造成可逆的血小板功能異常,若將血中drug消去即無此效果。

25. 關於rheumatoid arthritis
=> 影響small joints (大關結也可能影響,但不是主要範圍)
=> 80%會有positive rheumatoid factor
=> stiffness at rest often improves with use (activity可改善morning stiffness)
=> extra-articular disease may be found (lung, skin , cardiac, ocular diseases)

26. 一名50歲白人中年男性,出現acute nongranulomatous anterior uveitis, 他數年來有chronic back pain,
答: ankylosing spondyliits
=> HLA B27 positive (題目寫的 positive HLA-DR4 是錯的!)
=> 男性比女性高出三倍機會
=> 發炎在ligament接bone之處(enthetics)最為嚴重
=> chronic back pain
=> non-granulomatous anterior uveitis
=> sacrolititis on radiography, fusion of axial skeleton (spinal ankylosis) ← 診斷之必要條件
=> end stage: complete fusion (bamboo, poker spine)
=> 也可能會有arthritis of hip / shoulders
=> 造成limited chest expansion → restrictive pulmonary disease
★ 英語教室:sine qua non (複數名詞,音:「賽你虧那」) : 必要條件

27. SLE最常見之眼部表現為何?
答: retinal vascular disease是SLE最常見的表現
=> 其它如Sjogren syndrome, cortical blindness, cranial nerve palsy皆有可能,但相對較少。

28. 治療Wegner granulomatosis的最佳用藥為何?
答: cyclophosphamide

29. The definitive test for giant cell arteritis為?
答: temporal artery biopsy
解:CRP, Westergren / Wintrobe sedimentation rate在giant cell arteritis都會升高,但無法確定診斷

30. Behcet syndrome,除了uveitis with/without hypopyon貝最常出現的眼部表現為何?
答: retinal vasculitis

31. newer anticytokine drugs:etanercept (Enbrel)、infiximab(Remicade)之副作用為何?
答: demyelinating disease, including optic neuritis

* antiepileptic : Topiramate (Topamax)→acute angle closure glaucoma
* newer atpical antipsychotic : olanzapine (Zyprexa), clozapine (Clozaril) → initiating or worsening diabetes
* cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)→disc edema

32. Type 2 DM比較好的診斷方式為?
答: fasting plasma glucose

33. 關於hypoglycemic agents及其副作用
* sulfonylureas
=> 1st generation sulfonylureas–compete for carrier protein-binding sites with many other drugs
=> albmin-combining sites被其它藥物替代時,會加強sulfonylureas的藥效,故與其它藥合用,容易產生不可知之毒性反應
=> 2nd generation sulfonylureas–較不會產生上述問題
* sulfonylureas 不會有nausea and vomiting
* α-glucosadase inhibitors–acarbose [Precose], miglitol [Glyset]
=> 副作用:flatulence (胃氣脹)
=> 不會造成thrombocytopenia
* biguanides–metformin [Glucophage]
=> 副作用:severe lactic acidosis in the setting of renal insufficiency
=> 不會造成hypertension
* thazolidinediones–[Avandia]
=> 副作用:fluid retention and heart failure

34. 眼科哪一個表現可診斷Multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIB?
答: prominent corneal nerves

35. Type 2 DM之特色:
=> genetic predisposition (不論type 1 or type 2,皆有基因關聯)
=> normal or increased basal insulin secretion early in the disease
=> later age of onset than with type 1 diabetes
=> increased visceral fat

36. 美國第一名的死因為何?
答: coronary artery disease
補: 第二名是cancer,第三名是cerebrovascular disese

37. Screening Thyroid disease,用哪一個方法最為sensitive and specific ?
答: free T4 and sensitive TSH levels

38. 哪一種cancer與virus最有關係?
答: cervical cancer與herpes virus有關
=> breast cancer與gene有關
=> colon cancer 與diet有關
=> lung cancer 與 smoking有關

39. 關於lung caner
=> 1991-1995年,因為醫學的進步,死亡率已掉了7%
=> Lung cancer在女性比男性之盛行率還要高! (人家說是二手煙和cooking的關係?)
=> 美國女性雖然breast cancer比lung cancer還多,但女性癌症死亡率仍以lung cancer較高!
=> 與smoking有絕對關係!

40. 在animal models中證實可造成cancer
=> 在人類, Burktt lymphoma, NPC, cervix CA, HCC 皆與viruses相關
=> viral infection, retention of specific virus nucleic acid sequences and virus proteins in the tumor cells.
=> 造成cancer之virus,不一定是DNA or RNA virus (皆有)

41. 關於bipolar disorder (舊名manic depression)
=> 有depression及elevated mood之變化週期
=> 主要以lithium治療,以psychotherapy為輔
=> 在depression中佔少數。Major depression才佔了depression之多數!

42. Fetal alcohol syndrome有下列表現
=> blepharophimosis
=> telecanthus
=> ptosis
=> optic nerve hypoplasia or atrophy
=> tortuosity of the retinal arteries and veins
★ cataract, RD皆不屬於fetal alcohol syndrome

43. antidepressant包括?
答: lithium, MAOI, fluoxetine(Prozac,百憂解) 都是antidepressant
解: Haloperidol是major tranquilizer,不是antidepressant!

44. Parkingson disease
=> increased rigidity (對!)
=> decreased dopamine production
=> potential worsening of symptoms with neuroleptic drugs (對!)
=> loss of neurons in the substantia nigra (對!)

45. Alzheimer disease (AD)
=> pathology : neurofibrillary tangles、extraneuronal amyloid plaques
=> AD剛好是AD遺傳,也可能是sporadic
=> progressive dementia (通常 > 65歲)
=> 65歲以上最常見dementia的一種
=> toxins and free radicals也可能是原因,但只佔小部份

46.widespread screeing for a disease,適合哪些情形?
=> treatable or preventable 適合
=> generally asymptomatic 適合
=> high cost for the disease or complication 適合
★ 若prevalence太低,則不適合。

47. 哪些是breast cancer的risk factor?
答: 一等親有breast CA、early menarche(早經)、nulliparity(未產)
解: fibrocystic disease不是breast cancer的risk factor

48. 關於cervical cancer
=> 超過95%患者human papillomavirus呈陽性
=> 15~34歲女性最常見的婦癌
=> 多重性伴侶是危險因子
=> “Pap smear”仍是主要篩檢工具

49. 依據American Cancer Society的建議:
=> 超過50歲,應連續兩年接受Sigmoidoscopy檢查,若呈陰性,則每3至5年覆檢
=> mammography應於35-40歲女性開始baseline examination (45歲就太晚了)
=> CXR不是有效之lung cancer screening (early lung cancer看不出)
★ Pelvic examination應於20~40歲之間,「每3年」檢查一次(不是5年喔!)\

50. 下列何者是childhood之routine immunization?
答: hepatitis B, varicella, polio virus
解: CMV雖然已有vaccine,然尚未成為兒童之routine immunization

51. anaphylaxis的management,以下皆為常見藥物處置:
=> epinephrine (0.3-0.5mL of 1:1000 subcutaneous or intramuscular injection)
=> intravenous volume expansion
=> hydrocortisone for serious or prolonged reactions
★ terbutaline 10mg intravenous injection ← 不是常用藥物!

52. 對於一個有malinant hyperthermia病史之患者,麻醉師應避免使用什麼藥物?
答: succinylcholine禁用於有malinant hyperthermia病史之患者!
=> 其它可能引起惡性熱之吸入麻醉劑: halothane enflurane, isoflurane
=> 不會引起惡性熱之麻醉藥物:thipental sodium, nitrous oxide, midazolamm (Versed)

53. routine preoperative testing before cataract surgery
答: is not necessary for many patients
解: A study by Schein and coworkers所提出來,認為這樣做浪費成本,不會增加病患手術安全。

54. 術前病患,在手術當天早晨最重要的藥物為何?
答: antihypertensive agent
=> abrupt withdrawal of betablockers, clonidine, or ACEI,可能會產生rebound hypertensive crisis
=> diuretics降壓藥卻可以在術後再給
=> 其餘:digoxin及thyroid, estrogen等皆有long half-life,可於術後給予

55. 哪個方法可決定出某病的incidence?
答: cohort study

* cohort study :
 長期追蹤某處無病之人們,過一段時間後,再看哪些人得到那個疾病
 適用於常見疾病

* case-control study
 適用於罕見疾病,研究危險因子、效率、及安全性
 容易出現偏差,無法做出客觀統計結果

* case series 皆無法得到incidence
 適用於新疾病或舊疾病之新發現
 因缺乏對照控制組,所以無法評估治療效果與危險因子

* randomized, prospective, controlled clinical trial, 用來比較兩種不同的方法之效果,花錢又花時間,會有loss of followup的問題