Graves eye disease的別名(都代表同一個疾病)
1. Graves Ophthalmopathy
2. von Basedow eye disease (歐洲較常用)
3. Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
4. Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy (TAO)
5. Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
主要因為有TSH-receptor stimulating immunoglobulin
佔了85% thyrotoxicosis
會分泌Glycosaminglycan,使tissue swelling
女性比男性多六倍 ( TED ♀ > ♂ – 7 : 1 )
Ophthalmopathy程度高低與 T3 / T4 level 無關!
Ophthalmopathy程度高低與 TSH receptor Antibody(Ig) level 有關!
* 「Eyelid retraction」是 Graves disease最常見的特色 (90%) ~重要!
* 其它:
exophthalmos 60%, 眼外肌影響 40%, optic nerve dysfunction 6%
complete TED:上述所有症狀皆俱者,加上hyperthyroidism:只佔5%
Thyroid function normal者:仍可能有TED
Grave’s ophthalmopathy
最常影響的眼外肌: MR, IR
最少影響的眼外肌–lateral rectus
=> 眼外肌的enlargement呈fusiform, 而且spares the tendons(重要!)
四條直肌受TED影響的順序: IR→MR→SR→LR
口訣: I'm Super Lady (Thyroid Eye的大眼妹)
Smoking 會惡化Graves disease
Surgical treatment of TED (依順序由先而後) 口訣:窩→肉→皮 (由深處往淺處做)
orbital decompression (窩)
strabismus surgery (肉)
eyelid surgery (皮)
systemic steroids on TED
用於有compressive optic neuropathy者
在等待decompression surgery之前使用
TED Surgical indications (口訣:COP)
1. Corneal exposure
2. Optic neuropathy
3. Proptosis