1. 關於vancomycin
=> vancomycin-resistant enterococcal and staphylococcal infection在文獻中皆有發表
=> vancomycin與Teicoplanin都是glycopeptide類的抗生素
=> Teicoplanin對於某些vancomycin-resistant菌種有效!
2. PCR可拿來測什麼致病原?
答: Clostridium difficile, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cytomegalovirus … 反正很多都可以啦。
3. 下列何者非viral hepatitis?
答: 沒有hepatitis K啦!
=> hepatitis C, hepatitis delta, TTV-associated hepatitis (transfusion-transmitted)皆是
=> 目前有Hepatitis A,B,C,D,G, TTV … 但沒有 FHK (Forgive HK)
4. 關於HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy)
=> 自從HAART應用之後,較少HIV-infected病患變成AIDS
=> In HAART, multiple antiretroviral drugs are given simultaneously ( not sequentially!)→ 要就一起來,不要輪流用。
=> HAART通常可大幅減少HIV viral load並增加CD4 lymphocyte levels
=> 研究顯示,經過HAART治療,可減少80% opportunistic infections的機會。
5. 新一代的抗生素有:
=> trovafloxacin, a fluoroquinolone
=> quinupristin / dalfopristin, a streptogramin
=> linezolid, an oxazolidinone
(題目寫的cefzolapine [喜福肉辣拼] ~ 根本是唬爛的,沒這個藥!)
6. 血壓應該從哪時候開始監控?
7. 關於hypertension及其cardiovascular disease之risk factor:
=> Risk of cardiovascular由115/75mm Hg開始,每增加20/10,就會倍增
=> systolic BP比起diastolic BP是更重要的risk factor for cardiovascular disease!
=> Hypertension病患即使高到160/90mmHg,通常還是沒有症狀,故不應以症狀來評估高血壓之治療
=> Cardiovascular complication rates會因人種 / 社經地位 而異。
8. 高血壓之生活方式調整包括…
答: 減重、有氧運動、低鈉飲食。雖然建議減少喝酒,但不必完全禁酒。
9. ocular conditions之中,哪些與hypertension相關?
答: Retinal vein occlusion, ischemic optic neuropathy, glaucoma 皆有相關!
10. carotid endarterectomy在哪種病人身上證實有益?
答: 有症狀且 70~99% carotid artery stenosis 者
11.Statin的效果–reduces the risk of …
* coronary events in patients with hyperlipidemia
* stroke in patients with coronary artery disease
* stroke in patients ith previous stroke of atherosclerotic origin
12. MRI比CT在偵測何種lesion顯得優越?
答: early cerebral infarction!
解: 若是 ischemic stroke, ICH, 皆應以CT偵測。 而infarction用MRI才會早期找到,用CT會慢數日。
13. 在美國,女性第一殺手疾病為何?
答: atherosclerotic heart disease
解: 該病之死亡率比breast cancer還要高十倍!
14. lovastatin可減少LDL-C,但不會增加HDL-C;其它a,b,c皆可增加HDL-C
15. arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuritis屬giant cell arteritis,與hypercholesterolemia無關!
16. 減少serum cholesterol第一步為dietary therapy
=> 第二步是aerobic exercise, 真的不行,再考慮drug therapy。
=> 減重雖有幫助,但不是第一線治療。
17. 何者應考慮Therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) alone?
* coronary heart disease risk equivalents and an LDL-C level of ≧ 100 mg/dL
* 2 risk factors for coronary heart disease and an LDL-C level of ≧ 130 mg/dL
* 1 risk factors for coronary heart disease and an LDL-C level of ≧ 160 mg/dL
★速記法: 100→130→160 (等差30);有CHD→2 risk→1 risk。
18. 每改變30mg/dL之LDL-C濃度,coronary heart disease之risk也會隨之變化30%!
* 使用Statin之效果可以減少coronary events復發之機率,可以減少LDL-C濃度,但無法增加HDL-C濃度,也無法改變AMD之發生危險機率
* HRT不可以當做cholesterol-lowering drugs之替代品!
19. 診斷restrictive pulmonary disease,何項檢查最為明確?
答:total lung capacity less than 70% predicted
=> low arterial PO2, 是許多pulmonary disease的共同表現,不一定是restrictive type
=> 由CXR異常,只可以判斷出severe kyphosis造成restrictive pulmonary disease, 但無法確切診斷
=> FEV1 < 80% 是用來診斷 obstructive pulmonary disease!
=> total lung capacity < 70% 可診斷restrictive pulmonary disease,例如由pulmonary fibrosis造成。
20. 哪些藥可用來治療COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)?
答: adrenergic agonists, anticholinergic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs皆可
21. heparin therapy之最佳監控工具為何?
答: partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
=> PTT用來監控heparin therapy
=> PT與INR用來監控warfarin
=> Bleeding time用來監控platelet count and function
=> platelet abnormalities不會影響PTT
口訣: He-Pa-Rin (他怕奶) → 怕太太 (PTT)
22. 使用digoxin可能出現什麼眼副作用?
答: glare phenomemon and disturbances with color vision
=> corneal microdeposits occur with use of chloroquine and amiodarone
=> Bull’s eye maculopathy也可能是chloroquine的副作用
=> keratoconjunctivitis sicca在使用beta-blockers 者可見
23. iron deficiency anemia是the most type of anemia worldwide
=> the serum ferritin level is low
=> 在成人之anemia,皆應考慮bleeding之可能(女:月經,男女:GI bleeding…)
=> 長期補鐵劑需考慮bleeding之問題!
=> Severe iron deficiency can cause mucosal changes, such as a smooth tongue, brittle nails, and cheilosis.
24. 答: Vit. K乃影響coagulation factors,而不會影響platelet的功能
=> single aspirin會造成不可逆的血小板功能異常,時間達2~3天(48~72小時),術中可微幅增加blood loss
=> NSAIDs造成可逆的血小板功能異常,若將血中drug消去即無此效果。
25. 關於rheumatoid arthritis
=> 影響small joints (大關結也可能影響,但不是主要範圍)
=> 80%會有positive rheumatoid factor
=> stiffness at rest often improves with use (activity可改善morning stiffness)
=> extra-articular disease may be found (lung, skin , cardiac, ocular diseases)
26. 一名50歲白人中年男性,出現acute nongranulomatous anterior uveitis, 他數年來有chronic back pain,
答: ankylosing spondyliits
=> HLA B27 positive (題目寫的 positive HLA-DR4 是錯的!)
=> 男性比女性高出三倍機會
=> 發炎在ligament接bone之處(enthetics)最為嚴重
=> chronic back pain
=> non-granulomatous anterior uveitis
=> sacrolititis on radiography, fusion of axial skeleton (spinal ankylosis) ← 診斷之必要條件
=> end stage: complete fusion (bamboo, poker spine)
=> 也可能會有arthritis of hip / shoulders
=> 造成limited chest expansion → restrictive pulmonary disease
★ 英語教室:sine qua non (複數名詞,音:「賽你虧那」) : 必要條件
27. SLE最常見之眼部表現為何?
答: retinal vascular disease是SLE最常見的表現
=> 其它如Sjogren syndrome, cortical blindness, cranial nerve palsy皆有可能,但相對較少。
28. 治療Wegner granulomatosis的最佳用藥為何?
答: cyclophosphamide
29. The definitive test for giant cell arteritis為?
答: temporal artery biopsy
解:CRP, Westergren / Wintrobe sedimentation rate在giant cell arteritis都會升高,但無法確定診斷
30. Behcet syndrome,除了uveitis with/without hypopyon貝最常出現的眼部表現為何?
答: retinal vasculitis
31. newer anticytokine drugs:etanercept (Enbrel)、infiximab(Remicade)之副作用為何?
答: demyelinating disease, including optic neuritis
* antiepileptic : Topiramate (Topamax)→acute angle closure glaucoma
* newer atpical antipsychotic : olanzapine (Zyprexa), clozapine (Clozaril) → initiating or worsening diabetes
* cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune)→disc edema
32. Type 2 DM比較好的診斷方式為?
答: fasting plasma glucose
33. 關於hypoglycemic agents及其副作用
* sulfonylureas
=> 1st generation sulfonylureas–compete for carrier protein-binding sites with many other drugs
=> albmin-combining sites被其它藥物替代時,會加強sulfonylureas的藥效,故與其它藥合用,容易產生不可知之毒性反應
=> 2nd generation sulfonylureas–較不會產生上述問題
* sulfonylureas 不會有nausea and vomiting
* α-glucosadase inhibitors–acarbose [Precose], miglitol [Glyset]
=> 副作用:flatulence (胃氣脹)
=> 不會造成thrombocytopenia
* biguanides–metformin [Glucophage]
=> 副作用:severe lactic acidosis in the setting of renal insufficiency
=> 不會造成hypertension
* thazolidinediones–[Avandia]
=> 副作用:fluid retention and heart failure
34. 眼科哪一個表現可診斷Multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIB?
答: prominent corneal nerves
35. Type 2 DM之特色:
=> genetic predisposition (不論type 1 or type 2,皆有基因關聯)
=> normal or increased basal insulin secretion early in the disease
=> later age of onset than with type 1 diabetes
=> increased visceral fat
36. 美國第一名的死因為何?
答: coronary artery disease
補: 第二名是cancer,第三名是cerebrovascular disese
37. Screening Thyroid disease,用哪一個方法最為sensitive and specific ?
答: free T4 and sensitive TSH levels
38. 哪一種cancer與virus最有關係?
答: cervical cancer與herpes virus有關
=> breast cancer與gene有關
=> colon cancer 與diet有關
=> lung cancer 與 smoking有關
39. 關於lung caner
=> 1991-1995年,因為醫學的進步,死亡率已掉了7%
=> Lung cancer在女性比男性之盛行率還要高! (人家說是二手煙和cooking的關係?)
=> 美國女性雖然breast cancer比lung cancer還多,但女性癌症死亡率仍以lung cancer較高!
=> 與smoking有絕對關係!
40. 在animal models中證實可造成cancer
=> 在人類, Burktt lymphoma, NPC, cervix CA, HCC 皆與viruses相關
=> viral infection, retention of specific virus nucleic acid sequences and virus proteins in the tumor cells.
=> 造成cancer之virus,不一定是DNA or RNA virus (皆有)
41. 關於bipolar disorder (舊名manic depression)
=> 有depression及elevated mood之變化週期
=> 主要以lithium治療,以psychotherapy為輔
=> 在depression中佔少數。Major depression才佔了depression之多數!
42. Fetal alcohol syndrome有下列表現
=> blepharophimosis
=> telecanthus
=> ptosis
=> optic nerve hypoplasia or atrophy
=> tortuosity of the retinal arteries and veins
★ cataract, RD皆不屬於fetal alcohol syndrome
43. antidepressant包括?
答: lithium, MAOI, fluoxetine(Prozac,百憂解) 都是antidepressant
解: Haloperidol是major tranquilizer,不是antidepressant!
44. Parkingson disease
=> increased rigidity (對!)
=> decreased dopamine production
=> potential worsening of symptoms with neuroleptic drugs (對!)
=> loss of neurons in the substantia nigra (對!)
45. Alzheimer disease (AD)
=> pathology : neurofibrillary tangles、extraneuronal amyloid plaques
=> AD剛好是AD遺傳,也可能是sporadic
=> progressive dementia (通常 > 65歲)
=> 65歲以上最常見dementia的一種
=> toxins and free radicals也可能是原因,但只佔小部份
46.widespread screeing for a disease,適合哪些情形?
=> treatable or preventable 適合
=> generally asymptomatic 適合
=> high cost for the disease or complication 適合
★ 若prevalence太低,則不適合。
47. 哪些是breast cancer的risk factor?
答: 一等親有breast CA、early menarche(早經)、nulliparity(未產)
解: fibrocystic disease不是breast cancer的risk factor
48. 關於cervical cancer
=> 超過95%患者human papillomavirus呈陽性
=> 15~34歲女性最常見的婦癌
=> 多重性伴侶是危險因子
=> “Pap smear”仍是主要篩檢工具
49. 依據American Cancer Society的建議:
=> 超過50歲,應連續兩年接受Sigmoidoscopy檢查,若呈陰性,則每3至5年覆檢
=> mammography應於35-40歲女性開始baseline examination (45歲就太晚了)
=> CXR不是有效之lung cancer screening (early lung cancer看不出)
★ Pelvic examination應於20~40歲之間,「每3年」檢查一次(不是5年喔!)\
50. 下列何者是childhood之routine immunization?
答: hepatitis B, varicella, polio virus
解: CMV雖然已有vaccine,然尚未成為兒童之routine immunization
51. anaphylaxis的management,以下皆為常見藥物處置:
=> epinephrine (0.3-0.5mL of 1:1000 subcutaneous or intramuscular injection)
=> intravenous volume expansion
=> hydrocortisone for serious or prolonged reactions
★ terbutaline 10mg intravenous injection ← 不是常用藥物!
52. 對於一個有malinant hyperthermia病史之患者,麻醉師應避免使用什麼藥物?
答: succinylcholine禁用於有malinant hyperthermia病史之患者!
=> 其它可能引起惡性熱之吸入麻醉劑: halothane enflurane, isoflurane
=> 不會引起惡性熱之麻醉藥物:thipental sodium, nitrous oxide, midazolamm (Versed)
53. routine preoperative testing before cataract surgery
答: is not necessary for many patients
解: A study by Schein and coworkers所提出來,認為這樣做浪費成本,不會增加病患手術安全。
54. 術前病患,在手術當天早晨最重要的藥物為何?
答: antihypertensive agent
=> abrupt withdrawal of betablockers, clonidine, or ACEI,可能會產生rebound hypertensive crisis
=> diuretics降壓藥卻可以在術後再給
=> 其餘:digoxin及thyroid, estrogen等皆有long half-life,可於術後給予
55. 哪個方法可決定出某病的incidence?
答: cohort study
* cohort study :
* case-control study
* case series 皆無法得到incidence
* randomized, prospective, controlled clinical trial, 用來比較兩種不同的方法之效果,花錢又花時間,會有loss of followup的問題