Pre-OP photo:

Ruptured posterior capsule, broken zonule .. Orz
1. Suture IOL
2. Replacement to AC IOL.
I choose the latter.
Surgical Procedures:
1. Bridle suture on SR.
2. Create conjunctival Flap (upper 90 degrees).
3. Create 5.5mm EC wound (2 plane)
4. Inject Viscoelastic agent to protect endothelium
5. pull out the subluxated PC IOL by hook.
6. Inject Myopstat to constric pupil.
7. Implant the AC IOL.
8. Perform Surgical Peripheral Iridotomy on 12 o'clock
9. Suture the EC wound by 10-o nylon.
10. Use I/A to remove viscoelastic agent.
BTW, complicated recurrent pterygium was also treated in the same eye.
1 則留言:
貌似取出的是Alcon IQ,是软晶体。所以我觉得没有必要开6mm的切口。6mm的切口眼压维护起来有很大风险,术中操作多的话,驱逐性出血的风险就提高了。我想您选择前房IOL是这样的考虑吧。前房IOL的总是会有损伤角膜内皮的危险,可能过几年就又要进行角膜移植了呢。
但如果能够只开3mm切口,将IOL转到前房内,在前房内剪断,再从切口依次取出,眼内的情况会更稳定,这样就可以选择IOL的缝线固定了,或者是iris fix的IOL,比如Artisen。缝IOL的话,3mm的切口也可以完成,装Artisen IOL虽然要扩展切口到5mm,但是也就是在装晶体的短时间内,也还好办。