2009年8月5日 星期三
水晶表角結膜淚; 其它都在神經脊。
七言絕句: 好詩!
外胚層 (Ectoderm)
表面外胚層 (Surface ectoderm)
Corneal epithelium
lacrimal glands cells
視經外胚層 (Neuroectoderm )
optic nerve
Retina (RPE and neurosensory retina)
ciliary epithelium (pigmented and nonpigmented)
Iris muscle : sphincter and dilator
Iris epithelium
optic nerve→retina→ciliary epithelium→iris muscle+epithelium
神經脊( Neural crest)
stroma of iris
corneal stroma+endothelium
trabecular meshwork
Ciliary muscle
=> cornea,iris,choroid,stroma都在neural crest!
* 中胚層 (Mesoderm)
眼外肌的muscle fiber (sheath與tendon屬於neural crest)
sclera的temporal portion (sclera的其它部份由neural crest構成)
眼部血管的endothelial lining
* cornea
epithelium – surface ectoderm
stroma and endothelium – neurocrest
* sclera
temporal portion–mesoderm
其它部份–neural crest
* optic nerve:neuroectoderm
* extraocular muscle
belly – mesoderm
tendon and sheath – neural crest
* Iris
Iris muscle (dilator/sphincter)/epithelium – neuroectoderm
Iris stroma–neural crest
* Choroid – neural crest
* Ciliary muscle – neural crest
Melanocyte – neural crest
Trabecular meshwork – Neural crest
* Lens – surface ectoderm
* vitreous–mesoderm + surface ectoderm + neuroectoderm (只差沒有neural crest→因為vitreous沒有 stroma)
* Retina–neuroectoderm
* RPE–neuroectoderm
Anterior chambers 的形成是經由Neural crest cells migrate分化而來
第1波:形成corneal endothelium(1內)
第2波:形成iris, 部份papillary membrane(2彩)
口訣: 跳土風舞:「前一二三…向內踩腳」… 1內,2彩,3角
lens embryology:
22天–optic primordium
25天–optic vesicle
27天–lens plate
29天–lens pit
33天–lens vesicle且同時optic vesicle →2 layered optic cup
40天–來至後方的cells elongated→primary lens fiber(embryonic nucleus)→7週至8個月→來至equator的epithelium分化成secondary lens fiber→fetus nucleus
Tunical vasculosa lentis – 分成:
Ant. vascular capsule
來自long ciliary a.
形成pupillary strand
Capsulopupillary portion
Post. vascular capsule
來自hyaloid a.
形成Mittendorf dot
zonular fiber在3個月大時由ciliary epithelium來
congenital aphakia – 分primary (根本沒發育)及secondary(發育後又absorb掉)
* Mesenchymal structures of the head, including the eye, are all derived from "a combination of neural crest cells and mesoderm"
* The mesoderm gives rise to all vascular endothelia, all extraocular muscles, and temporal sclera
2009年8月4日 星期二
* De Morsier syndrome (Septo-optic dysplasia)
Optic nerve hypoplasia
Midline CNS deformation
→ Absent pellucidum , corpus callosum agenesis
Pituitary dysfunction
→ Pituitary dwarfism , hypothyroidism
* Balint syndrome→會有optic ataxia(無法將眼球移到想看到的物體上),主要的lesion在post. parietal lobe
* Charks, Bonnet syndrome–hallucination和partial visual loss有關
* Crouzon syndrome:Brachycephaly (bilateral suture closure)
有proptosis, midface hypoplasia,造成malocclusion
有突眼 → corneal ulcer稱為parrot break,無syndactyly!
* Down syndrome:Trisomy 21
* Foster-Kennedy syndrome:由IICP造成optic atrophy,視力正常
* Pseudo-Foster-Kennedy syndrome (PFK syndrome):一眼出現atrophy,另一眼disc edema,則稱之。AAION造成之PFK syndrome,會影響視力。
* Gerstmann syndrome:看東西只看一半(hemineglect),無法分辨數字→dominant parietal lobe lesion
* Kohn-Ramono syndorme: 3q13, AD. ptosis, microcornea, strabismus, deofrmed ear, blepharophimosis, epicanthus inversus
* Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome:Sturge-Weber syndrome有trunk侵犯者稱之。
* Lowe syndrome (Oculocerebral syndrome):會有眼病變(白內障)、腎病變(血尿蛋白尿等)、腦病變(metal retard),X-link。
* Louis-Bar syndrome: Ataxia-telangiectasia (AR),在Chr. 11,與DNA repair有關,Leukemia, lymphoma機會也會上升
* Mobius syndrome
Aplasia of 6th nerve nucleus及雙側facial palsy,
6th n. nucleus不僅管同側眼球abduction,同時還透過MLF管對側的adduction
* Parinaud syndrome(即Pretectal syndrome/ dorsal midbrain syndrome)
lid retraction (Collier)
convergence-retraction nystagmus
saccadic paresis of upgaze (absent upgaze)
* Riley-Day syndrome又叫familial dysautonomia
=> 即先天性的自律神經失調,會有tear production減少及neurotrophic keratitis的情形;造成corneal dryness→recurrent corneal erosion→ cornea scarring
* Sturge-Weber syndrome(Cerebrofacial angiomatosis )會有POAG, seizure,Port-wine, choroidal hemangioma, cerebral calcification。
* Wallenberg syndrome:Vestibular imbalance來自stroke of lateral medulla
* Wyburn-Masson syndrome (Racemote angioma)。病理: intracranial + retinal AVM,非遺傳,好發optic disc, retina血管不會leak。
1-3歲診斷多為單側且sporadic case,5歲以後則少見
Retinoblastoma最常見的initail sign為「白瞳」 → leukocoria
D/D: Coats disease(最像Retinoblastoma), PHPV, ROP, Cataract, Toxocariasis, RD, VH…等等。
endophytic growth (有vitreous seeding)
或exophytic (可能像Coats disease,有大量exdudative RD)
* 用CT可「輔助診斷」;不可做biopsy,因為tumor會seeding (重要!常考!)
* pre-treatment imaging modality: 用MRI及ultrasound of the head and neck(因為可避免CT的radiation)。
Rb gene異常,位於13q14
60%非遺傳, 40%遺傳 (重要!常考!)
65%單側, 35%雙側 (重要!常考!)
可用neuro-specific enolase, rod-outer segment photoreceptor-specific S antigen及 rhodopsia染色
tumor cell分泌 interphotoreceptor retinoid bindingprotein
1. Fleurette:
=> 一群rod及 cone的inner segment聚集
=> 分化程度比Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette還高
口訣: Flute-inner-highly differentiated (笛子含在嘴巴裡用力吹出高音)
2. Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette:
=> 除了可見pineoblastoma外,不會在其它neuroblastic tumor見到
=> 是一種retinal differentiation的表現(最常見的一種)
=> 不是primitive ganglion cells!
口訣: Winter-Pine(冬天的松果是松鼠唯一的食物,除此之外,再沒找到其它的食物了)
3. Homer-Wright rosette:
=> 無retinal分化表現
=> 可在其它neuroblast tumor找到(medulloepithelioma)
口訣: Homer-blaster (洋基隊的炮手打出全壘打)
分化程度: Fleurette > FW rosette > HW rosette ( 口訣:FFWW )
* 但是這三種rosette跟預後無關!
=> Retioblastoma的預後與optic nerve是否有involvment有關
* 有人認為可視為retinoblastoma的良性表現(同樣的gene loci,Rb gene的問題)
* 會有Fleurette(photoreceptor之分化)
retinocytoma 與 retinoblastoma不同之處
* retinocytoma細胞質多且核分布較均
* retinocytoma可見到calcification,但通常不會有necrosis
retinoblastoma合併的secondary malignancy為osteosarcoma且和是否有做external beam radiation會增加其發生
medulloepithelioma (dikytoma)
* 通常來自cilliary body nonpigment epithelium
* tumor cell會呈現ribbon like structure
* 也可見Homerwright rosette
* malignant medulloepithelioma若lesion還在眼內通常還算benign course
親人沒有retinoblastoma,小朋友有retinoblastoma的機會: < 1%
一親人有單側retinoblastoma,小朋友有retinoblastoma的機會: 7~15%
一親人有雙側retinoblastoma,小朋友有retinoblastoma的機會: 45%
親人沒有retinoblastoma,若其孩子有Retinoblastoma,則unilateral的機會: 67%
親人沒有retinoblastoma,若其孩子有Retinoblastoma,則bilateral的機會: 33%
一親人有bilateral(或unilateral)retinoblastoma,若其孩子有Retinoblastoma,則unilateral的機會: 15%
一親人有bilateral(或unilateral)retinoblastoma,若其孩子有Retinoblastoma,則unilateral的機會: 85%
新發現的retinoblastoma之中,只有5%有family history
1. 如果父母之中都沒有retinoblastoma,則患童之中,單側的機率就是15%,雙側的機率就是85% (單側>雙側)
2. 只要父母之中有retinoblastoma,不論是單側或雙側,則患童之中,單側的機率就是15%,雙側的機率就是85% (雙側>單側)
* Enucleation
主要用於large unilateral tumor, 約95%以上cure rate,但若cutend有tumor則預後不好
* R/T:reitnoblastoma對R/T很sensitive, 但若1歲以下小孩做R/T可能會誘發secondary tumor risk (osteosarcoma)
* Plaque radiotherapy:侷限 < 16mm base diameter及thickness < 8mm 可用
* Cryotherapy and laser photoablation: 3.5~4.5mm base有效
治療後可能留下type 1(calcified mass)或type 2 (translucent grayish lesion)和未治療tumor難分
最常轉移部份:orbit, CNS, cranium
單側病患有20% fellow eye也會有,自4月follow一次到3-4歲,然後6月follow一次到6歲大
2009年8月2日 星期日
Thyroid Eye Disease
Graves eye disease的別名(都代表同一個疾病)
1. Graves Ophthalmopathy
2. von Basedow eye disease (歐洲較常用)
3. Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
4. Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy (TAO)
5. Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
主要因為有TSH-receptor stimulating immunoglobulin
佔了85% thyrotoxicosis
會分泌Glycosaminglycan,使tissue swelling
女性比男性多六倍 ( TED ♀ > ♂ – 7 : 1 )
Ophthalmopathy程度高低與 T3 / T4 level 無關!
Ophthalmopathy程度高低與 TSH receptor Antibody(Ig) level 有關!
* 「Eyelid retraction」是 Graves disease最常見的特色 (90%) ~重要!
* 其它:
exophthalmos 60%, 眼外肌影響 40%, optic nerve dysfunction 6%
complete TED:上述所有症狀皆俱者,加上hyperthyroidism:只佔5%
Thyroid function normal者:仍可能有TED
Grave’s ophthalmopathy
最常影響的眼外肌: MR, IR
最少影響的眼外肌–lateral rectus
=> 眼外肌的enlargement呈fusiform, 而且spares the tendons(重要!)
四條直肌受TED影響的順序: IR→MR→SR→LR
口訣: I'm Super Lady (Thyroid Eye的大眼妹)
Smoking 會惡化Graves disease
Surgical treatment of TED (依順序由先而後) 口訣:窩→肉→皮 (由深處往淺處做)
orbital decompression (窩)
strabismus surgery (肉)
eyelid surgery (皮)
systemic steroids on TED
用於有compressive optic neuropathy者
在等待decompression surgery之前使用
TED Surgical indications (口訣:COP)
1. Corneal exposure
2. Optic neuropathy
3. Proptosis
2009年7月31日 星期五
2009年7月27日 星期一
一、Pretrabecular (membrane overgrowth)
NVG, ICE,PPMD (也有機會發生在angle closure)
Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis
NV與PAS無關、也不屬於secondary angle-closure
二、 Trabecular (直接阻塞)
Idiopathic : POAG, JOAG
RBC: Ghost cell glaucoma
Pigment : Pigmentary glauacoma, exfoliation syndrome
Protein: uveitic glaucoma, lens-induced glaucoma
Tumor: juvenile xanthogranuloma, metastasis, primary ocular tumors
Viscoelastics: 眼內手術後,viscoat / healon沒吸乾淨
α-chymotrypsin-induced glaucoma
Trabeculum結構改變: steroids, trabeculitis, alkali burn, angle recession IOFB: hemosiderosis, chalcosis
三、 Post-trabecular
C-C fistula
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Mediastinal tumors , retrobulbar tumors
Sup. vena cava syndrome
Thyroid eye
Angle closure
一、 Anterior (Pulling)
考題:NVG與pupillary block無關!而是與peripheral ant. synechiae相關
Trauma(penetrating or non-penetrating皆可能)
Secondary angle-closure with NV : OIS, CRVO, chronic retinal detachment
二、 Posterior (Pushing)
有pupillary block (考!)
phacomorphic lens
intumescent lens
ectopia lentis (如Marfan syndrome)
三、 無pupillary block
Tumors: melanoma, retinoblastoma (記得要掃B-scan)
Anterior chamber angle發育異常
Axenfile-Rieger syndrome
Peters anomaly
cleavage between circular and the longitudinal fibers of the ciliary muscle.
2009年5月30日 星期六
分類就是學問–Collagen type
Type 1 collagen
=> 屬fibril-forming, 組成多數的connective tisse
=> corneal stroma的主要成份 (佔70%的wet weight of corneal stroma)
=> scleral stroma的主要成份
Type 3 collagen
=> corneal stroma及scleral stroma也有
=> 與corneal wound healing有重要關聯
Type 4 collagen
=> 所有的basement membrane都屬之
=> 例如 : Descemet's membrane主要成份就是type 4 collagen
=> 而Bowman's layer不是BM,所以不屬之。(AAO Sec.8第一題)
Cornea: Type 1,3,5,6,7,12,14
=> Descemet's membrane: type 4,8
=> corneal epithelium的anchoring fibril: type 7
=> Bowman's layer 由 type 1,5,6 collagen 組成
Sclera: Type 1,3 …
Vitreous: Type 2,5,9,11
=> type 2構成主要的fibril
=> type 9構成surface的fibril
結論: 分類就是學問,背不起分類,人生就是黑白的 …
例題1: Vitreous裡主要的collagen不包含何者 ?
a. type 1 collagen
b. type 2 collagen
c. type 5 collagen
d. type 9 collagen
答: a
例題2:下列何者以type 4 collagen為主要成份之一?
a. Vitreous
b. External limiting membrane
c. Bowmann's layer
d. Descemet membrane
答: d.
a. Type 1 collagen
b. Type 2 collagen
c. Type 7 collagen
d. Type 9 collagen
答: b.